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Revenue for Holders

TeleBot Connect is dedicated to ensuring that its community of token holders is directly involved in the platform's success. As part of this commitment, the platform has designed a revenue sharing model that rewards holders who meet a certain threshold. This section provides insights into how TeleBot Connect distributes revenue to eligible holders.

Holders with â‰Ĩ 0.1% of Supply

Holders who possess at least 0.1% of the total token supply are eligible to participate in the revenue sharing program. These holders will receive 50% of the revenue generated from bridged funds. This inclusive approach not only incentivizes active participation but also aligns the community's interests with the platform's growth.

Fee Allocation

The allocation of fees generated within the TeleBot Connect ecosystem is carefully structured to ensure a balanced distribution that benefits both the platform and its community. This section outlines the breakdown of fee allocation, including holder rewards, marketing initiatives, and development efforts.

Holder Rewards: 50%

A significant portion (50%) of the fees collected is allocated to rewarding the token holders. This approach enhances user engagement, loyalty, and long-term commitment. By directly involving the community in the fee distribution, TeleBot Connect fosters a vibrant and engaged ecosystem.

Marketing: 30%

Acknowledging the importance of strategic outreach and community expansion, 30% of the collected fees are dedicated to marketing initiatives. This allocation empowers TeleBot Connect to continuously raise awareness, attract new users, and strengthen its market presence.

Development: 20%

Sustaining innovation and ensuring a seamless user experience are pivotal to TeleBot Connect's success. Therefore, 20% of the fees are channeled toward ongoing development efforts. This allocation fuels continuous improvements, feature enhancements, and platform optimization.

Transaction Fees: 3% Buy, 6% Sell

TeleBot Connect employs a balanced fee structure to support its operations. A fee of 3% is applied to buy transactions, while a fee of 6% is applied to sell transactions. This fee structure sustains the ecosystem, incentivizes community participation, and supports the various allocations outlined above.

Last updated